Find a Packaging Firm To Meet FDA Requirements

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has laid out certain rules and regulations that must be adhered to by the manufacturers of certain food and drug products. The packaging firm that provides you with the packaging material should be aware of the compliance rules and provide packaging that meets the standards. These standards are different for different countries, so if products reach a global market, there may be different specifics required. While drugs (and medical devices and accessories) are used for health and well-being, food is ingested. The packaging materials used for both categories of products needs to be safe for use. It is not enough to meet minimum compliance norms as there are also industry standards in place and, more importantly, consumer demand.

Food products

The FDA has different clearances: customary clearance, special clearance, and ad hoc clearance. As food, even processed food, can easily get spoiled, and lends itself to contamination, it is very important that different kinds of foods be packaged safely. For instance, heat and eat foods will be packaged differently from frozen foods and ready to eat (or use) foods. If heat and eat foods have to be heated (or cooked) then the packaging should be able to withstand the required heating or cooking temperatures. The major FDA regulations are that:

· Packaging components should not react with the products contained and should not leach into the products.

· Food additives require pre-market clearance and should meet certain standards.

· The packaging should not change the texture, smell, or taste of the food.

Drugs and medical products

Drugs, medical devices, and accessory packaging must contain the right information and labeling, and the packaging should be such that it…

· Does not react with the contents.

· Cannot be cross-contaminated.

· Is protected against biological contamination.

· Is safe from product damage or deterioration.

· Excludes light, air, and moisture to improve product integrity.

· Is impervious to temperature changes.

· The product and the packaging should not react with each other.

There are a huge number of options available to package various food and drug products and a packaging firm that is abreast of the all the rules and regulations as laid out by the FDA will best serve your interests. MJS Packaging is one firm that specializes in pharmaceutical and food products, and can provide you with professional expertise for the right kind of packaging.