Packaging Suppliers

You work hard making sure you have a quality product. You may work so hard on your product you don’t have time to shop for packaging suppliers. Shopping online is a time saver, but before you select a supplier from the search engine consider marketing studies that show how good packaging helps sells more product. Strategizing your packaging is a great branding technique that will boost your sales. Here’s where a consultant can be a valuable asset.

First Impressions Sell Product

Consumers comparing items get a first impression of a product based on appearance. The shape and size of a package, color, and labeling all draw the eye of the buyer and impact the consumer’s urge to buy.

Once a consumer picks up a product to look more closely, they may consider other criteria.

  • Is the item easy to use?
  • Item storage.
  • Ease of disposal.
  • Environmental concerns, such as recycling.

Meeting Your Requirements

It’s good to know what the consumer is looking for, but most likely you’re looking for someone can do it all for you. There is more to packaging than looking good. A great packaging supplier will have a team of people to help you engineer the right packaging specific to your product. Will you need fluorination treatments on plastic packaging? Are there FDA regulations you need to consider? What kinds of eco-friendly solutions do you want for your customers?

Saving Time and Money

Finding someone who can supply you with a package but can’t help you with labeling or marketing will mean more time and money looking for a combination of services that work. You will benefit from someone who can do everything in a simple, one-stop transaction. A great packaging supplier will have a team of people on hand to take everything you need into consideration and hook you up with the best solutions.

Sell more. Save time. Save money. Contact M.Jacob & Sons to learn more about how an experienced packaging supplier can help you.