Find Wholesale Corked Bottles

Some may view corked bottles as an antiquated approach to sealing liquids. Actually, corked bottles still have a valid use today. Regardless of the type of corked bottle you need, it is important to have a reliable source to help you select the right product for your unique business needs.

Whole sale corked bottles should be acquired from a knowledgeable supplier that understands the proper use and care for corks and their containers.

In lab environments corked bottles are commonly used to temporarily contain fluids and create a low pressure seal for chemicals while they are being mixed or analyzed.

Typically a plastic cork is used for lab applications because they are less expensive, more durable, and can withstand higher levels of pressure if needed.

The health and beauty or cosmetic industry also uses plastic corks for vials and bottles to contain products. The cork makes it very easy to open and close the container frequently without a great deal of wear.

The food industry – specifically wine – has had a long tradition of using natural corks for bottles. This trend has been changing over the last several years because screw tops have proven to keep wine fresher for a longer period of time and plastic corks are not apt to age or crumble into the wine over time. There are ongoing debates over the use of traditional corks, plastic corks and screw tops for wine. The cork tree industry fully supports natural corks of course and notes that it is a sustainable resource since the trees are not destroyed in the process. Others argue that for fresher tasting and longer lasting wine alternatives to natural cork should be used.

When making your choice for whole sale corked bottles M.Jacob & Sons is an ideal partner. Over 125 years of packaging knowledge will give you insights into the proper type of cork to use and the best quality for your products. Contact us for additional information on our whole sale corked bottles selection and your specific business needs.