Find the Best Company For Medical Device Packaging

Medical device packaging is a niche packaging field. There are innumerable medical devices that are used in hospitals, health care facilities, laboratories, and diagnostic centers that must be packaged in a specific way, using sterile packaging materials that will keep the product in pristine condition. Poor packaging can not only spoil the product but also lead to potential health problems among users, and put the manufacturers in legal jeopardy. Correct medical device packaging is crucially important.

Kinds of medical devices that may be packaged

Medical devices may be large and need to be housed in a separate room; these devices would include low end and high end diagnostic machines. Or they may be small like a syringe or a medical kit. Medical devices come in a range of different sizes and shapes and may often require flexible packaging or rigid packaging depending on their usage. Many devices may require primary and secondary packaging. Among the challenges faced by manufacturers of medical devices are:

  • Packaging should be completely sealed and leak proof – air and moisture can damage the product or increase the risk of bacterial contamination. It should be able to withstand pressure and transport stresses.
  • Appropriate packaging materials to be used – some products that are fragile may need to be packaged in a rigid container, while flexible products like stents, catheters, tubing, and other such products may do better with flexible packaging. Plastics, polymers, and even adhesives can degrade with time and cause problems with product usage.
  • Sterility of medical device packaging – where required, packaging should be sterilizable. However, not all medical devices require sterilized packaging as some devices may be sterilized just before using, if required. As such, the appropriate packaging materials have to be used.
  • Customized packaging – more than any other field, medical device packaging requires packaging solutions that are custom made for the products. These should be durable, safe, and should reduce waste as well as be easy to dispose.

If you are searching for the best medical device packaging, come to M. Jacob & Sons. We offer the right solutions to all your packaging problems and we are conversant with legal compliance norms. Whether you manufacture miniature products or large ones, we can offer you customized packaging for your products at the right price.